Stu Brooks

They’ll Just Love You by Stu Brooks  feat.   Poppy  &   Danny Elfman

Single They’ll Just Love You (2023)

Stu Brooks feat. Poppy & Danny Elfman
Industrial Metal
Live Nude Pigs by Stu Brooks  feat.   Paul Leary  &   Fake Legs

Single Live Nude Pigs (2022)

Stu Brooks feat. Paul Leary & Fake Legs
MOB Music by Stu Brooks  feat.   Jason Aalon Butler

Single MOB Music (2022)

Stu Brooks feat. Jason Aalon Butler
Frontline by Stu Brooks  feat.   Angelo Moore

Single Frontline (2022)

Stu Brooks feat. Angelo Moore
Sound the Alarm by Stu Brooks  feat.   Patrick Stump

Single Sound the Alarm (2022)

Stu Brooks feat. Patrick Stump