Ninja McTits


Although I hate it when titles look like this, And Much Prefer Them Like This, I wont capitalize every word as its incredibly annoying to do with titles this long. Anyways though, this is another overly long lo-bit (low-bit) 8kbps wall thats very long with a long title that nobody will bother to listen to nor read, yet I feel some bizarre drive to make, when in reality, I would rather be watching anime or playing a game (the game) instead (also, lol, how many tracks have I made with that theme?). Honestly though, isn't it annoying when like, you want to relax and do something, but your mind is just too dead or stressed to do it? It happens far too often and drives me insane. Also, I forgot that I wanted this title to just be nonsense and not one of these "noise diaries". Does it really matter though? I feel only a few will read titles like this, probably just Antimatter Prism, since they like absurdly long titles as well. Maybe I should revive an old split idea I had with a friend where we were using like, entire book PDFs as titles, but my titles were so incredibly long that I kept having problems where stuff would literally just crash (and you thought these song titles were long, lol). At least the songs now are [i]also[/i] (lol, how else to italicize words in titles?) super long too, and not like, a four paragraph title for a second long track (which is honestly funnier though, maybe this should've been one of those 0:00 tracks, which btw, got me featured in a book lol). [FULL TITLE IN DL] by Ninja McTits

Although I hate it when titles look like this, And Much Prefer Them Like This, I wont capitalize every word as its incredibly annoying to do with titles this long. Anyways though, this is another overly long lo-bit (low-bit) 8kbps wall thats very long with a long title that nobody will bother to listen to nor read, yet I feel some bizarre drive to make, when in reality, I would rather be watching anime or playing a game (the game) instead (also, lol, how many tracks have I made with that theme?). Honestly though, isn't it annoying when like, you want to relax and do something, but your mind is just too dead or stressed to do it? It happens far too often and drives me insane. Also, I forgot that I wanted this title to just be nonsense and not one of these "noise diaries". Does it really matter though? I feel only a few will read titles like this, probably just Antimatter Prism, since they like absurdly long titles as well. Maybe I should revive an old split idea I had with a friend where we were using like, entire book PDFs as titles, but my titles were so incredibly long that I kept having problems where stuff would literally just crash (and you thought these song titles were long, lol). At least the songs now are [i]also[/i] (lol, how else to italicize words in titles?) super long too, and not like, a four paragraph title for a second long track (which is honestly funnier though, maybe this should've been one of those 0:00 tracks, which btw, got me featured in a book lol). [FULL TITLE IN DL] (2023)

Ninja McTits
Sharktits by Ninja McTits

Sharktits (2018)

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Goreshit (2013)

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Earwax Diarreah Bukkake (2012)

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Stupid Shit by Ninja McTits

Stupid Shit (2012)

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