Dimmer - „You've Got to Hear the Music”

You've Got to Hear the Music
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Nazwa Format Ścieżki Kraj/Rok Wydawca
You've Got To Hear The Music 2 x CD 17 4 lis 2004
Festival Mushroom Records
Lista utworów
CD 1
1. Come Here 3:37
2. Backwards Is Backwards 3:25
3. Getting What You Give 3:26
4. Only One That Matters 3:12
5. Case 4:06
6. Lucky One 4:04
7. Happening 3:59
8. Searching Time 3:33
9. Reach Away 4:11
10. Concentration 5:01
11. Finality 2:48
CD 2
1. Case (live) 4:16
2. Getting What You Give 3:59
3. If I Were You 4:10
4. Drop You Off 5:01
5. Lucky One 4:04
6. See 10:21
You've Got to Hear the Music CD 11 2004
Festival Mushroom Records
Lista utworów
1. Come Here 3:37
2. Backwards Is Backwards 3:25
3. Getting What You Give 3:26
4. Only One That Matters 3:12
5. Case 4:06
6. Lucky One 4:04
7. Happening 3:59
8. Searching Time 3:33
9. Reach Away 4:11
10. Concentration 5:01
11. Finality 2:48

