Lama Zopa Rinpoche & Faye Wong - „Loving Kindness & Wisdom”

Loving Kindness & Wisdom
Data wydania
Lama Zopa Rinpoche & Faye Wong
Średnia ocena
z 0 recenzji


Nazwa Format Ścieżki Kraj/Rok Wydawca
Loving Kindness & Wisdom 2 x CD 15 23 lis 2001
Lista utworów
CD 1
1. Refuge and Generating Bodhicitta 3:30
2. The Four Immeasurables 5:44
3. Invocation and Seven-Limb Offering to Tara 3:43
4. Making Requests to Tara and Short Mandala Offering 8:29
5. Praise to Twenty-One Taras 8:13
6. Twenty-One Taras' Mantras 14:10
7. Benefits of Recitation 1:42
8. Dedication Verses 1:19
CD 2
1. Refuge and Generating Bodhicitta 3:42
2. Special Bodhicitta 2:32
3. Lama Tzong Khapa Guru Yoga 6:35
4. Calling the Guru From Afar 6:14
5. The Sutra of the Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom 5:06
6. Maitreya Buddha Mantra 4:38
7. Dedication Verses 2:29
Loving Kindness & Wisdom 2 x CD 15 23 lis 2001
Lista utworów
CD 1
1. 皈依及發菩提心願文 3:30
2. 四無量心 5:44
3. 迎請偈及七支供養偈 3:43
4. 度母祈請文及短曼達讚 8:29
5. 聖救度佛母二十一種禮讚經 8:13
6. 二十一度母咒 14:10
7. 誦讚利益偈 1:42
8. 迴向偈 1:19
CD 2
1. 皈依及發菩提心願文 3:42
2. 發殊勝心 2:32
3. 宗巴大師瑜伽法 6:35
4. 遙呼上師頌 6:14
5. 佛說聖佛母般若波羅蜜多心經 5:07
6. 彌勒佛咒 4:38
7. 迴向偈 2:29
Loving Kindness & Wisdom 2 x CD 15 23 lis 2001
Lista utworów
CD 1
1. 皈依及发菩提心愿文 3:30
2. 四无量心 5:44
3. 迎请偈及七支供养偈 3:43
4. 度母祈请文及短曼达赞 8:29
5. 圣救度佛母二十一种礼赞经 8:13
6. 二十一度母咒 14:10
7. 诵赞利益偈 1:42
8. 回向偈 1:20
CD 2
1. 皈依及发菩提心愿文 3:42
2. 发殊胜心 2:32
3. 宗喀巴大师瑜伽法 6:35
4. 遥呼上师颂 6:14
5. 佛说圣佛母般若波罗蜜多心经 5:06
6. 弥勒佛咒 4:38
7. 回向偈 2:29

