Dirk Freymuth - „Lifescapes: Music in the Time of Shakespeare”

Lifescapes: Music in the Time of Shakespeare
Data wydania
Dirk Freymuth
Średnia ocena
z 0 recenzji


Nazwa Format Ścieżki Kraj/Rok Wydawca
Lifescapes: Music in the Time of Shakespeare CD 19 1999
Lifescapes Music
Lista utworów
1. The Earl of Essex Galiard 4:58
2. Kemp's Jig 2:02
3. Fine Knacks for Ladies 1:25
4. Daphne / Wolsey's Wilde 3:09
5. La Rossignol (The Nightingale) 3:06
6. Intrada 3:14
7. Lachrimae Paven 3:22
8. Sir John Smith, His Almaine 2:37
9. The Witty Wanton 2:30
10. The Fairie-Rounde 3:38
11. Paduan 5:02
12. A Gigue 2:37
13. What If I Never Sped 2:15
14. The Italian Ground 2:23
15. The Queen's Almain 3:08
16. The Teares of the Muses 1:56
17. Pavin 3:44
18. Packington's Pound 2:00
19. Love's Farewell 2:27

