松本慎一郎 - „カタハネ オリジナルサウンドトラック”

Compilation Soundtrack カタハネ オリジナルサウンドトラック
Data wydania
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z 0 recenzji


Nazwa Format Ścieżki Kraj/Rok Wydawca
カタハネ オリジナルサウンドトラック 2 x CD 51 25 maj 2012

Lista utworów
CD 1
1. Traveler (旅の始まり) 0:10
2. Alea jacta est! (one ver.) 1:47
3. Typing! (執筆活動) 0:14
4. Stroll (散歩) 2:05
5. Scenery (風景) 1:54
6. Ancient capital (古都) 1:59
7. Mimicry diary (まねっこ日記) 2:03
8. Gasparo (猫王子) 0:40
9. Puppet show (人形劇) 1:55
10. Side walk cafe (カフェテラス) 2:18
11. Mischievous age (悪戯盛り) 1:52
12. Sunlight of summer (夏の日差し) 2:10
13. Competition (競争) 1:40
14. I'm sleeping... (ネムネムさん) 1:40
15. Pursuit (追求) 2:05
16. See you again (またね) 2:21
17. Separation (お別れ) 2:28
18. Meteoric swarm (流星群) 2:15
19. Tears of crescent (三日月の涙) 2:08
20. it's just farewell (one ver.) 2:31
21. Alea jacta est! (one ver./off vocal) 1:47
22. it's just farewell (one ver./off vocal) 2:30
23. Alea jacta est! 3:39
24. it's just farewell 4:55
25. Alea jacta est! (off vocal) 3:39
26. it's just farewell (off vocal) 4:52
CD 2
1. Calling (呼び鈴) 0:07
2. Memories are here (one ver.) 2:02
3. Cococococo (青の人形) 0:19
4. Hide and seek (かくれんぼ) 3:52
5. Solitary princess (孤独な姫) 3:09
6. Castle Walk (場内散策) 2:55
7. Epicure (美食家) 1:29
8. Drop-Drop (落ちたドロップ) 0:51
9. Whisper of wine (ワインのささやき) 2:25
10. Rehearsal (予行演習) 1:09
11. Conference (懇談会) 1:26
12. Dance party (舞踏会) 3:29
13. The dark (暗闇) 1:17
14. Straying (迷走) 0:50
15. Dinner menu (晩餐の献立) 1:40
16. Divine charity (主の慈悲) 1:34
17. Suffer (苦悩) 1:52
18. Parting kiss (別れのキス) 2:21
19. Struggle of honor (名誉の戦い) 2:02
20. Strategy (戦略) 2:05
21. Single shuttlecock (カタハネ) 4:15
22. Memory (想い) 2:59
23. Memories are here (one ver./off vocal) 2:02
24. Memories are here 6:04
25. Memories are here (off vocal) 6:02

