Bene Gesserit - „Fashion Is A Dirty Word”

Fashion Is A Dirty Word
Data wydania
Bene Gesserit
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Nazwa Format Ścieżki Kraj/Rok Wydawca
Fashion Is A Dirty Word 12" Vinyl 21 1987
Dead Man's Curve
Lista utworów
A1. Gloria 4:00
A2. I Had Taken a Few Minutes to Go Into a Bar and Get a Drink Before I Went Back 1:17
A3. Kidnapping 3:00
A4. I Could Feel a Pulse Hammering in My Throat and a Tightness Across My Groin 0:35
A5. No Rule for a Dream: Peking (with Rain) 1:20
A6. The Room Had Faded From Her Mind, and All the Things She Now Held Dear Were Yet to Come 1:10
A7. Words 4:30
A8. Il Serait Peut-Être Judicieux Que Je Me Rende Chez Un de Ces Médecins Appelés "Dentistes" 0:40
A9. You Can Dance It, If You Want! 3:35
A10. The Band Was Playing Some Unfamiliar and Unharmonious Music, and Some Younger People Were Dancing While the Older People Formed Little Groups and Stood Around Talking With Sandwiches in Their Hands 0:10
A11. La Chanson D'Ugly 3:15
B1. Joyeux Poème! 1:50
B2. This Guy Was So Mad He Stuttered as He Dragged Me Toward the Door 0:01
B3. Femmes Aux Yeux D'Argile 4:00
B4. She Was Never So Beautiful as Then, Her Face Furrowed With Small Lines of Worry and Remorse 0:30
B5. So Far From Asia 3:10
B6. Watching, Watching the World Move Around Before Me Through a Pane of Glass 0:40
B7. Dèrisoire 2:50
B8. She Had Faded Blondish Hair, a Narrow Face, and Wore an Old Dress 1:00
B9. Be Happy! 3:00
B10. Little Lady 5:15

