Mundell Lowe - „Billy Jack”

Billy Jack
Data wydania
Mundell Lowe
Średnia ocena
z 0 recenzji


Nazwa Format Ścieżki Kraj/Rok Wydawca
Billy Jack Vinyl 21 1971
Billy Jack Records
Lista utworów
A1. One Tin Soldier (The Legend of Billy Jack) 3:18
A2. Hello Billy Jack 0:45
A3. The Old And The New 1:00
A4. Johnnie 2:35
A5. Look, Look To The Mountain 1:40
A6. When Will Billy Love Me 3:24
A7. Freedom Over Me 0:35
A8. All Forked Tongue Speak Alike 2:54
A9. The Challenge 2:20
A10. A Rainbow Made Of Children 3:50
B1. A Most Beautiful Day 0:30
B2. An Indian Dance 1:15
B3. The Ceremonial Dance 1:59
B4. A Flick Of The Wrist 2:15
B5. It’s All She Left Me 1:56
B6. You Shouldn’t Do That 3:21
B7. The Ring Song 4:25
B8. Thy Loving Hand 1:35
B9. Say Goodbye, Cause You’re Leavin’ 2:26
B10. I Think You Always Knew (The Theme From Billy Jack) 2:21
B11. One Tin Soldier (The Legend of Billy Jack) (End Title) 1:06

