Neoangin - „A Friendly Dog in an Unfriendly World”

A Friendly Dog in an Unfriendly World
Data wydania
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z 0 recenzji


Nazwa Format Ścieżki Kraj/Rok Wydawca
A Friendly Dog in an Unfriendly World CD 33 2001
Wonder Records
Lista utworów
1. A Life in a Day 0:29
2. A Friendly Dog in an Unfriendly World 2:09
3. Let Your Money Work for You 1:19
4. The Plot 2:00
5. Under the Plasticsink 1:24
6. Celebrity Bones 2:01
7. Girl With Attitude 0:14
8. I Like to Be Somebody Else 2:57
9. The Nightbus 2:09
10. Poor Living 0:23
11. Under Bad Influence 2:02
12. Guess My Name 2:04
13. Flu 1:38
14. Man Who Brought Light Into Darkness 0:23
15. Everything Comes Back 3:10
16. The Shop Detective 0:13
17. Das Feuilleton groovt mit 1:53
18. The Unfriendly World 0:15
19. Are You Happy 1:12
20. The Happy Hour 2:46
21. The Blind Passenger 1:59
22. Daydream 2:09
23. 2 Sides of a Coin 0:27
24. Trouble Couple 2:04
25. Hall of Fame of Selfexploitation 0:23
26. San Antonio 3:08
27. Playing on the Piano of New Media 1:45
28. Don't Take Money From Anyone 1:27
29. All Fucked Up 1:55
30. The Long Goodbye 1:20
31. Give Me a Platform 1:22
32. Walnut Kitten 2:51
33. Another Day in Another Life 0:31

